Hot Toddy
The hot toddy is a perfect cocktail for cold weather! I would also argue that it’s great for hangovers, when you have a cold, or when it’s 3pm and you’re tired and ready to relax but you still have a lot to do that day (so pretty much me, every day). The great part is that there are a bunch of variations for you to try and play around with! But first, I’ll give you my basic, tried-and-true recipe.
Ingredients and Tools:
A coffee cup (I use a 12oz cup)
10oz Boiled water
Earl grey tea (I like Trader Joe’s brand)
.5oz Lemon juice
.5oz Honey
1oz Whiskey (something inexpensive)
The portions will slightly depend on the size of your coffee cup, but I’ve found that a 12oz cup is the perfect size for me when I’m making a hot toddy.
In that case, you’ll need to boil 10oz of water, then add it to your coffee cup with your tea bag. As the tea steeps, stir in ½ oz of lemon juice and ½ oz of honey. It doesn’t need to be exact.
When the tea is done steeping (you decide how strong you want it-I leave mine in for 5-6 minutes), remove the tea bag, add 1oz of whiskey, and stir.
That’s it! This is such a simple and easy cocktail to make.
The honey and warmth will soothe a sore throat, so it’s a great cocktail for when you have a cold. The lemon and whiskey will help clear your sinuses too!
The earl grey tea contains caffeine, so it will give you that boost you need to get through the rest of your day but just enough whiskey to keep you sane while you do it, and the same goes for dealing with a hangover (maybe unless you’re hungover from too much whiskey, in which case I’d probably stick to a mimosa).

Ideas for Variations to Try
Leave out the tea altogether and just use the hot water (this means no caffeine so you can drink it anytime of day - great if you’re sick or lost your voice)
Add a cinnamon stick to the hot water or hot tea and let it steep for a few minutes
Adjust the amounts of lemon and honey to taste
Try infused honey! Trader Joe’s has a mesquite honey I LOVE and I’ve seen all kinds of honey flavors at local farmers markets.
Try different brands of earl grey teas and whiskeys until you find the perfect combination for you! This recipe calls for something inexpensive… I would say under $20 a bottle. Just stay away from smoky whiskey, like scotch, and stick to either bourbon, Irish, or Canadian whiskey.
Do you want more recipes for my variations of a hot toddy? Tell us in the comments at the bottom of this article!
We are dedicated to helping other “everyday” people be able to travel more, and we know that for most people, saving money to travel is the biggest hurdle. That’s why we’re sharing simple cocktail recipes that you can make at home, so you don’t have to spend $12+ per cocktail going out. While there are some amazing bars that are worth splurging on, we don’t go out as often as we used to for the simple reason that we know how to make great drinks at home for a fraction of the price, so we want to pass that savings on to you too! Cheers!
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